Preparing for the legal ups and downs with Shalini

Written and Contributed by Shalini Nandan-Singh, Lawyer

The first five years of business is a rollercoaster is an understatement! To the truly committed solopreneur it’s like giving birth all over again- so much to learn and do, information overload and much uncertainty about legals – the important documents or processes you need to have in place when you start out. 

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Six steps to kick-start your business

The first six steps to helping you quickly kick-start to becoming an expert in your field and launch a new business on Wiserr:

1. Own it.
Everyone is an expert at something. I truly believe this. The problem is that we are unaware of it—or take it for granted because it’s second nature. The key is to discover it and step into it. What is your expertise?

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Creating the perfect Linkedin & social media profile to market yourself effectively


Everyone seems to be talking about LinkedIn, but why? Is it essential to have a LinkedIn profile to get a job or sell your services? Hiring managers tend to check a LinkedIn profile before anything else. People with amazing profiles tend to have more success in job seeking or marketing their business to investors because they have highlighted why they stand out in a crowd of seemingly equally qualified contenders.

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