I’m speaking from experience. Actually, I only speak from experience!
I’ve wasted a lot of energy figuring out what doesn’t work in marketing. But the benefit to this is I eventually learned what DOES work (and now I know what to avoid too!).
Follow the link below and listen to three common energy-wasting habits that you might share too! You’ll learn strategies to counteract and save you time in turn maximising your marketing output to help move your business forward.
3 ways people waste energy on marketing that doesn’t work
Listen here: https://fb.watch/3nc8CCihEx/ (10 minutes)
P.S. If you’re not sure what to say in your marketing I have made a series of actionable projects I wish I had when I was building my business. This is everything I do to build my brand:
You will:
- Get clear on who your ideal customer is.
- Know precisely what content they will engage and consume – so you don’t waste time and energy on the wrong topic.
- Clarify a brand message that will pull in your ideal customers to work with you.
- Make a plan to move your business forward and beat overwhelm.
Clarify your marketing message here.